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Social Development Committee

Elected Officers - Social Development



Willie Mae Harris



Carolyn Bridges-Graves


Recording Secretary

Dorcas S. Mosee`


Corresponding Secretary

Carolyn Lavender-Rosebud


Financial Secretary

Deaconess Estella Duhart



Deborah Haynes-Hatcher








The Greater Abyssinia Baptist Church, Social Development Committee was the vision of our illustrious Pastor, Rev. Dr. E. Theophilus Caviness. It was organized in 1967 for the primary purpose of keeping the church and community informed about current issues and problems in education, employment, health & welfare which affect the citizenry of this community, city and state. The committee has been very effective in implementing programs and projects of vital interest and concerns to the Greater Cleveland area. 


Our aim has been to promote projects and programs such as; workshops for college bound students; The NAACP membership drive; The Opportunity Industrial Center (O.1.C.); Voter Registration drives; Urban League drives; Political forum in 1978; The Awaken Fact Forum was presented with speakers Arnold Pinkney, President of the Cleveland Board of Education and George Dobrea, Member of the Cleveland Board of Education, panelists were; Ike Thompson, Mary Boyle, Robert Sweeney, Anthony Celebreeze (Representative for Richard Celeste); and on December 10, 1978; The Cleveland City Council extended congratulations to the Social Development Committee along with presenting them with a Proclamation. A "Winter Wonderland Fashion Show" was also given on that day. The show received rave review! 


The S.D.C. presented Thanksgiving baskets to needy families for many years and special luncheons for senior citizens.


In 1986, the committee was involved with the Juvenile Offender Intervention Network.


In 1987, the committee presented "The New Tax Laws" forum. In 1988, we also sponsored an A.I.D.'s forum. 


Our goal is to continue to be effective in implementing programs and projects of vital interest and concerns to our church, community and city, especially as it impacts the lives of our citizens. 

The Greater Abyssinia Baptist Church

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